
Settings button

Tap the Settings button (“gear” icon) in the bottom toolbar to open the settings screen.


Font settings

Choose from a selection of built-in monospaced fonts.

Font Size

Increase the font size by tapping the top of the font size control and tap the bottom to decrease the font size.

Themes and Keyboard Appearance

Theme settings
Editor Theme

Select the theme you want to use in the code editor. The list of themes starts with light themes and ends with dark themes. You can also add custom themes.

UI Theme

The default UI theme is Blue. You can also switch to the Gray or Black UI theme.

Dark Keyboard

Enable this setting if you want to use a dark keyboard instead of the default light keyboard.

Line Numbers

Line number settings
Line Numbers

Enable this settings to display the number of each line on the left side of each line.


Show a line/column indicator on the right side above the code editor (iPad only).

Tab Characters

Tab characters settings
Tab Width

Select the number of spaces one tab corresponds to.

Soft Tabs

Enable to insert spaces instead of a tab character when you press the Tab key.

Display Tab Characters

Enable to show tab characters as small gray triangles in the editor.

Word Wrap

Word wrap settings
Indent Wrapped Lines

Enable to indent soft wrapped lines. This makes it much easier to read code, but you may want to disable it for regular text/prose.

Auto Word Wrap

Enable to visually wrap lines (soft wrap) to the editor width.

Wrap Column

If Auto Word Wrap is disabled, you can manually enter a column at which lines are soft wrapped.


Keyboard settings

Enable this settings to make the editor read-only. Tapping on the editor won’t bring up the keyboard anymore.


Enable to spellcheck words as you type, automatically correcting misspelled words. You should disable this if editing code.


Enable automatic capitalization of the first letter of each sentence.

Smart Punctuation

Enable to allow smart quotes and automatic conversion between hyphens and en or em dashes.

Code Completion

Enable code completion. Currently, Textastic supports code completion for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, C, Objective-C, and PHP.

Additional Keys

Enable the additional row of keys above the standard keyboard (iPad only).


Enable the standard shortcuts bar above the keyboard which has buttons for undo/redo and copy/cut/paste (iPad only). If you enable Additional Keys, this should be disabled to save screen space.


Emmet settings
Emmet Cheat Sheet

Open the Emmet Cheat Sheet in the browser. Also have a look at the Emmet Documentation.

Expand with Tab

Enable to expand Emmet abbreviations with the Tab key if possible (this works for example in HTML, CSS, XML, Less, Sass, and SCSS files).

You can also use Ctrl-E on an external keyboard to expand Emmet abbreviations. See External Keyboard Shortcuts.

Cursor Navigation Wheel

Cursor navigation wheel setting
Show Hints

By default, the cursor navigation wheel shows hints when adding, removing or moving selection handles with the buttons in the middle of the wheel. You can disable this here.

Password Lock

Password lock setting
Password Lock

You can set a password that you need to enter when launching the app. You can also enable Touch ID or Face ID (depending on your iOS device).

Set the Require Password setting to immediately after closing the app, to after 1, 5, or 15 minutes, or to after 1 or 4 hours.


Make sure to remember the password you set since there is no way to recover it.


The password lock only prevents access to Textastic itself. It can be used to protect the remote connections and SSH terminal connections you set up in the app.

Even with the password lock enabled, files stored in “Local Files” are still available in the Files app in “On my iPad/iPhone” and can be accessed by the user once the device is unlocked.

Always make sure that your device is protected with a strong passcode and only give your device to people you trust in order to protect your important files.


TextExpander settings

Enable TextExpander snippet expansion with this setting.

Update Snippets

Tap here to launch the TextExpander app and fetch a copy of the latest snippets.

Getting Started

Getting started setting
Getting Started

By default, Textastic creates the GettingStarted.textastic file at launch. If you delete that file or if you manually disable this setting, the file won’t be created anymore.

Quick Transfer

Quick transfer settings

Enable this setting if you want to see a confirmation dialog when a quick upload would override a file on the remote server. Enabled by default.


Enable this setting if you want to see a confirmation dialog when a quick download would override a local file. Enabled by default.